Shelley Hughes

Session Contact
State Capitol Room 11
Juneau AK, 99801
Phone: 907-465-3743
State Capitol Room 11
Juneau AK, 99801
Phone: 907-465-3743
Interim Contact
600 E Railroad Ave
Wasilla AK, 99654
Phone: 907-376-3725
600 E Railroad Ave
Wasilla AK, 99654
Phone: 907-376-3725
Date/Place of Birth:
- Canton, Ohio - 01/06/58
- Resident of District 11 since 1990
- Resident of Alaska since 1976
- Resident in following Alaskan communities 1976-1990: Hoonah, Bethel, Fort Yukon, Fairbanks, Seward
- Government Affairs Director, Alaska Primary Care Association 10/05 - 11/11
- Special Projects Volunteer Director, Crossroads Community Church, Palmer 01/95 - 12/05;
- Contract Academic Instructor, Mat-Su Pre-Trial Facility, Palmer Correctional Center 10/98 - 12/03;
- Summer Theatre Conservatory Director, LCCP/Haines VPA/Wasilla 1999, 2000, 2003;
- Substitute Teacher, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District 09/95 - 05/97;
- Fort Yukon School District Resource Center Assistant 08/87 - 05/88;
- Data Coordinator/Secretary, Phillips Alcoholism Treatment Center, Bethel, Alaska 11/85 - 11/86;
- KYUK Newscaster, Volunteer, Bethel, Alaska 09/85 - 05/87;
- Teacher, Mount Bethel Christian School, Hoonah, Alaska 09/76 - 09/81;
- Proud Stay-at-Home Mother of 4 (interspersed with contracts and part-time work) 1980 - 2003
- Husband - Roger (married 38 years)
- Children - Peter, Clara, Emily, and Tyler
- Grandchildren - Keithan, Caden, Noah, Owen, Avelyn
- University of Alaska, Bachelor of Arts in English, 2002. Summa cum Laude. Rhetoric.
- Cuyahoga Community College, Assoc. of Arts, 1985. Magna cum Laude, Valedictorian. Cleveland, Ohio.
- Alaska Public Health Association Health Achievement Award 2009
- Betsey K. Cooke Advocacy MVP Award 2008
- Chancellor’s Scholar 2001
- National Collegiate Mathematics Award 2002
- English Department Scholarship Award Spring 2002
- International English Honor Society Sigma Tau Delta
- Golden Key National Honor Society
- The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
- Alaska All Academies Association, Founder, Past-President
- (support organization for cadets/plebes and families at 5 military academies)
- Son and Son-in-Law: USAF Reserves, USAF Officer, Active Duty
- Husband: Vietnam Veteran
- Legislative Aide for Representative Gatto, Alaska State Legislature 12/03 - 01/05
- Alaska All Academies Association, Founder, Past-President
- Alaska Outdoor Council
- Commonwealth North
- American Association of University Women
- Resource Development Council
- Make Alaska Competitive Coalition
- National Rifle Association
- Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club
- Valley Republican Women’s Club
- Wasilla Chamber of Commerce
- Palmer Chamber of Commerce
- Mat-Su Health Foundation
- Mat-Su Business Alliance
- Palmer Toastmasters
- Palmer Lions Club
- Alaska State Fair
- State Agriculture and Rural Leaders - Alaska Representative
- Outdoor Heritage Council
- Recover Alaska
- NCSL Labor and Economic Development
- NCSL Redistricting and Elections
- CSG Public Safety and Justice Task Force
- Troop 49 Girl Scouts
- Boy Scouts Bear Paw Council Nominating Committee
- Mat-Su Young Life Executive Committee
- Galena Young Life Executive Committee
- Alaska Republican Assembly
- Alaska Tourism Marketing Board
- United for Liberty
- NCSL UAS Partnership
- Previous Volunteer Affiliations
- Palmer Little League
- Girl Scouts
- Pioneer Peak PTA
- Colony Middle School Band Boosters
- Valley Festival of Arts
- Colony High School Boys and Girls Basketball
Grandchildren, Military, Church, Volunteer Work, Speed Walking*, Comedy, the Arts, Travel, Outdoors**
*I like the fact I walk so fast that I pass tall men in airports.
**My children have offered to teach me to snow board but I have not yet accepted the invitation.